NOTE: This guide only applies to headsets running Pico OS 5.x. All Pico 4 Enterprise headsets and certain Pico Neo 3 models run 5.x. If you are unsure, please check your headset's about section or contact us for assistance.
Here are some settings we recommended for the best operator experience with your Pico headset. Some of these settings are managed automatically for you when using Spawnpoint.
You should set these settings on all of your headsets to ensure a smooth operator experience.
Enable Business Settings
You first need to enable the Business Settings menu to be able to customise your headset, you only need to do this if you do not have a Developer tab in your headset Settings.
- In your headset, go to the Settings app, select General > About and click the Software Version row 10 times to enable Developer mode
- Navigate to the newly added Developer tab on the left
- Ensure USB Debugging is Enabled
- Navigate to the "Business Settings" option and set out recommended Business Settings as documented below
Recommended Headset Settings
These are the general Headset settings, before you access the "Business Settings" view.
Camera & Seethrough Tab
- Disable Quick Seethrough, so that customers cannot accidentally go into passthrough by tapping the side of the headset
Recommended Business Settings
You can find these settings in the Business Settings section of your Pico headset, under Settings > Developer
General Tab
- Enable "Keep WiFi Connected During Sleep" to ensure reliable Spawnpoint connectivity - this setting is enabled automatically by Spawnpoint during the setup process
- Disable "Show Popup when Switching Apps" to disable the confirmation popup in the headset when switching apps
System Tab
- Under the "Power Management" section set the "System Goes to Sleep After" option to "Never"
Playspace Tab
The following settings can only be set once you have created your LBE map, so you should return here later to set these.
- Under "Advanced" set the follow 3 options to disabled.
- Allow Boundary Reset
- Play Boundary Confirmation Screen
- Long Press Home Button for Calibration